The Natural Stones collection features a selection of Natural Stone bracelets, made using Hematite, Tigers Eye, Onyx and many other wonderful gemstones. Not only great to look at, but comfortably cool on the wrist, and all have their own inherent healing or protection properties.
Everything on earth is comprised of energy – and rocks, gems, and crystals are no different. They are each made up of tiny crystals in specific molecular structures that are constantly in motion, which also causes each stone and crystal to emit a unique vibration and signature energy field.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
These unique vibrations of energy interact with our own energetic vibration and can directly affect our physical, emotional, and subtle bodies.
The bracelets are carefully designed to assist you with a positive mindset for a happy, balanced life.